Our clear focus on sustainable impact and newly launched goal to empower 1'000 Young Entrepreneurs have allowed us to take the lead.


Meet Angelica, our fellow no. 1000

Posted on 12/23/2015 at 01:27PM

Angelica is like many other teenager girls: she likes the color orange and hates cockroaches. Loves to read books, watch movies and eat her mom’s delicious version of Adobo, a traditional Filipino dish with pork or chicken in soy sauce. But unlike many others, she got a golden opportunity in her life.

The family’s financial situation is tight and her parents struggle to feed and house her and her four siblings. Not much money is left for Angelica’s education. However, through the partnership of Aiducation and Pathways in the Philippines, Angelica found an Aidumaker who supports her High School studies that prepare her to enter university. And – even more fortunately – she was the 1000th AiduFellow awarded with an Aiducation scholarship.

Angelica is well aware of how Aiducation will help her in her life, as she has a strong believe: “Education is really an important part of everyone’s life and it will open a door of opportunities in my life and I will make the best of it!” This determinate young woman is fearless and ready to go after her dreams: finish her studies, go to university, work on her biochemistry career, and by this, support her family and community. Happy to be awarded this opportunity, she has a promise for her Aidumaker: “I will make the best out of this and I won’t waste it!”. Watch her video message and learn more about Angelica.

Tags: Philippines, 1000th scholarship