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If you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone smile (PART 2)

Posted on 07/11/2013 at 12:28AM

This is the second part of our report on Jimmy Tune, one of our first AiduFellows and now AiduAlumni on how his life is planning out after he finished secondary school and his Aiucation scholarship, about the impact education had on his life and his future plans and dreams…

Becoming a part of Aiducation
After finishing secondary school Jimmy was going to go to University. But before he could start his studies at Moi University he had to bridge a gap of about six months. This was the perfect opportunity to do something useful – “…giving back something to society was my top priority. I wanted to say «thank you» and luckily found an opportunity to do so by volunteering for Aiducation.”

A Video of Jimmy and Emmanuel working at the Aiducation chatper in Kenya

Jimmy soon was an invaluable member of the Kenyan team: He assisted in recruiting applicants and organizing mentorship academies, he collected report cards, shot videos and kept records, and sometimes he would be counseling younger Aidufellows. Working for Aiducation he came to realize that investing in someone’s education was an investment for life that never could be compared to any other. “Touching a needy student through education is like planting a whole farm that will not only serve the family but the country at large and generations to come.”

After working half a year with Aiducation Jimmy started at University. Although he had to leave Aiducaton behind he did not want to end his work for the community: “Besides my profession I wanted to realize my talent and work on my passion.”

Finding ways to help others
While at University Jimmy stumbled upon an ad for Rotaract Club of Mombasa. As he could connect with the club’s core values (truth, fairness, friendship, and benevolence) he joined the club to serve the community and further develop his leadership talents. And very soon he would get a once in a lifetime chance to use his knowledge for a good cause.

The Rotary Club of Mombasa decided to initiate a scheme of offering bursary to bright but needy students at colleges and universities worth a total of four Millions Kenya Shillings. The Rotaract Club of Mombasa was given the task of advertising and vetting applicants to the fund. Jimmy should play a significant rule in all of this: “With my vast experience in such operations credited to the experience I have having volunteered for Aiducation, the club members appointed me to chair the club’s vetting committee”.

Jimmy at the Rotaract Club of Mombasa

Jimmy was involved in setting up a transparent and fair vetting process, the creation of a database to handle applicant’s data, and awareness raising: «We went to churches, mosques, and Institutions of higher education to raise awareness for the program.» In the future he and his committee will furthermore be gathering information about the supported student’s progress at University and report on this to the Rotary Club of Mombasa that is funding this program.

Motivation and Dreams
Jimmy already has specific ideas of how to further develop the vetting program. He intends to bring in corporations into the program to be able to bring more resources to needy tertiary students. To nurture the student’s full potential he intends to adapt Aiducation’s concept of mentorship academies: “Having gone through a similar program by Aiducation International gives me firsthand experience of the impact financial support has on a needy student’s life. It provides one of the most important chances to access secondary education, which is a vital stepping stone to the future especially here in Kenya where not many bright needy students can afford the high fees required in the course.”

written by Simon Wüthrich and Jimmy Tune

Tags: Jimmy, AiduFellows