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Let’s unchain Charities - a TED talk

Posted on 05/29/2013 at 04:17PM

If a charity want’s to solve social issues on a large scale it needs to grow – that in turn means it has to build strategic overhead to compete for talents, customers and investors.

We recently stumbled upon a TED talk by Dan Palotta, activist and fundraiser, in which he demonstrates how important growth is when it come to making a change on a large scale. Furthermore Dan sums up some challenges growing charities often face because of wide spread prejudices about non profit organizations:

NGOs can’t use money to draw talent away from the for profit sector. They can’t advertise anywhere near the scale of the for profit sector. They are not supposed to take risks like the for profit sector to get to their customers. They don’t have the same amount of time the for profit sector has to find their customers and they can’t go to the stock market to get the capital to do all of this.

According to Dan, this is due to the (American) puritan mindset that opposes capitalism and charity fundamentally, because the latter is an instrument to compensate for the wrongdoing that takes place in the first. This leads to the problem that most people think overhead cannot be part of the cause. That in turn leads to non profits foregoing what they need to grow.

As we face these very challenges we are grateful to be supported by more and more AidMakers and AiduFriends on our mission to bring education to hundreds of highly talented AiduSeekers in Kenya.