Our clear focus on sustainable impact and newly launched goal to empower 1'000 Young Entrepreneurs have allowed us to take the lead.


Looking back at our AiduForum 2012 – 29 August 2012

Posted on 09/08/2012 at 07:10AM

“Meet our Impact!” was the motto of the 2012 AiduForum that took place on 29 August at the Technopark Zurich. This highly successful event was attended by almost 150 people, who witnessed live what the organization and their supporters do and what difference this makes.

A filled auditorium at the Technopark, Zurich

Following an introduction to the organization by Aiducation Switzerland CEO Matthias Meier, the audience got an interesting insight into Africa by someone who truly knows the continent. Former Africa correspondent to the Swiss radio and television DRS Ruedi Küng – www.infoafrica.ch held a fascinating lecture on “Africa and its Youth”. He not only provided deeper insight into the challenges faced by young people in Africa today, but also focused on the hope he has for such a young continent in terms of bringing about economical and political change. In his closing statement, he noted that it is his belief the starting point for all development is education.

Ruedi Küng during his captivating lecture

After obtaining one perspective, the second part of the evening focused on providing a real insider’s view and showing the audience, how one Aiducation scholarship can truly turn a life around. Former AiduFellow and current AiduAlumni David Charo Katana, as well as volunteer and Aiducator Erick Otieno shed light on their experiences with Aiducation International during a very exciting interview conducted by Amelia Meier (see the full interview here)

animated discussions at the forum with Aiducator Erick Otieno

Thanks to the support of our IMPACT sponsors we are proud to announce that an additional four students received scholarships in the context of this event. OBT AG – www.obt.ch changed the lives of three students and Quantis Information Management AG – www.quantis.ch added one scholarship on top of that.

This event was further made made possible due to the kind support of Technopark AG – www.technopark.ch, who provided the venue, and Edelweiss Air – www.edelweissair.ch, who provided transportation to and from Kenya to our guests. Beverages were provided thanks to VINIVERGANI 1892 – www.vergani.ch, Nestlé Water – ww1.nestle-waters.com, Hiestand AG – www.hiestand.ch supported the event with appetizers and desserts, and C|E|S Catering & Event Services GmbH – www.cateringeventservices.ch supported the event with infrastructure supplies.